Results of the competition for a curatorial project of the exhibition in the Polish Pavilion at the 60th International Art Exhibition in Venice in 2024
The Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Prof. dr hab. Piotr Gliński, has accepted the Jury’s recommendation of the winning project Polish Practice in Tragedy. Between Germany and Russia, presented by curators Piotr Bernatowicz and Dariusz Karłowicz, featuring Ignacy Czwartos, to be shown at the Polish Pavilion at the 60th International Art Exhibition in Venice (La Biennale di Venezia) in 2024.
The first stage of the competition for a curatorial project of the exhibition in the Polish Pavilion at the 60th International Art Exhibition in Venice took place on 11 July 2023 at Zachęta — National Gallery of Art. The deliberations concluded with the following statement of the Jury:
‘On 11 July 2023, deliberations of the first stage of the competition for a curatorial project of the exhibition in the Polish Pavilion at the 60th International Art Exhibition in Venice in 2024 took place. The Jury has selected the following projects for the second stage of the competition:
- Polish Practice in Tragedy. Between Germany and Russia, artist: Ignacy Czwartos, curators: Piotr Bernatowicz, Dariusz Karłowicz. Ref.: JK1656
- OWN, project team: Aleksandra Kot, Wiesław Bartkowski, Klementyna Jankiewicz, curator: Alicja Głuszek. Ref.: OWN
- Repeat After Me, Yuriy Biley, Pavlo Kovach, Anton Varga, curator: Marta Czyż. Ref.: FUGA.’
The second stage of the competition took place on 18 September 2023. The deliberations concluded with the following statement of the Jury:
‘On 18 September 2023, the jury of the competition for the design of the exhibition in the Polish Pavilion at the 60th International Art Exhibition in Venice in 2024 held its meeting at Zachęta — National Gallery of Art. The Jury, appointed by Professor Piotr Gliński, the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, included: Elżbieta Banecka, Andrzej Biernacki (absent during the first stage deliberations), Tadeusz Boruta, Jarosław Denisiuk, Jagna Domżalska, Janusz Janowski, Janusz Kapusta, Agnieszka Komar-Morawska, Lech Majewski (absent during the second stage deliberations), Zbigniew Makarewicz, Maciej Mazurek, Kazimierz Nowosielski, Urszula Święcicka, Joanna Warsza and Karolina Ziębińska-Lewandowska.
After reviewing the submissions and after long and in-depth discussion, the Jury, in an open vote, selected the project for the exhibition of works by Ignacy Czwartos, Polish Practice in Tragedy. Between Germany and Russia, by curators Piotr Bernatowicz and Dariusz Karłowicz.
The entry Repeat After Me, submitted by Marta Czyż, Yuriy Biley, Pavlo Kovach and Anton Varga was selected as the reserve project.
Vote results:
- Polish Practice in Tragedy. Between Germany and Russia — 11 votes
- Repeat After Me — 3 votes
- OWN — 0 votes’
60th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia
20 April – 24 November 2024
general curator: Adriano Pedrosa
main theme: Foreigners Everywhere
Polish participation in the 60. International Art Exhibition is financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland
In accordance with the provisions of the competition rules, all projects submitted to the competition are made public in the form chosen by the organiser. Exhibition concepts and scenario summaries of all projects are made available, while full scenarios with visualisations are available only with additional consent from the team members.
Documentation of the projects shortlisted for the second stage is published in whole, excluding the cost estimates.
‘Stranieri Ovunque’ – ‘Foreigners Everywhere’, the title of the 60th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, is drawn from a series of works started in 2004 by the Paris-born and Palermo-based collective Claire Fontaine. The works consist of neon sculptures in different colours that render in a growing number of languages the words “Foreigners Everywhere”. The phrase comes, in turn, from the name of a Turin collective who fought racism and xenophobia in Italy in the early 2000s: Stranieri Ovunque.
In the curatorial statement Adriano Pedrosa wrote:
‘The backdrop for the work is a world rife with multiple crises concerning the movement and existence of people across countries, nations, territories and borders, which reflect the perils and pitfalls of language, translation and ethnicity, expressing differences and disparities conditioned by identity, nationality, race, gender, sexuality, wealth, and freedom. In this landscape, the phrase Foreigners Everywhere has (at least) a dual meaning. First of all, that wherever you go and wherever you are you will always encounter foreigners—they/we are everywhere. Secondly, that no matter where you find yourself, you are always, truly, and deep down inside, a foreigner’.
‘(…) The Biennale Arte 2024 will focus on artists who are themselves foreigners, immigrants, expatriates, diasporic, émigrés, exiled, and refugees—especially those who have moved between the Global South and the Global North.’
‘The Italian straniero, the Portuguese estrangeiro, the French étranger, and the Spanish extranjero, are all etymologically connected to the strano, the estranho, the étrange, the extraño, respectively, which is precisely the stranger. Sigmund Freud’s Das Unheimliche comes to mind—The Uncanny in English, which in Portuguese has indeed been translated as “o estranho”– the strange that is also familiar, within, deep down side. According to the American Heritage and the Oxford Dictionaries, the first meaning of the word “queer” is precisely “strange”, and thus the Exhibition unfolds and focuses on the production of other related subjects: the queer artist, who has moved within different sexualities and genders, often being persecuted or outlawed; the outsider artist, who is located at the margins of the art world, much like the self-taught artist, the folk artist and the artista popular; the indigenous artist, frequently treated as a foreigner in his or her own land. The productions of these four subjects are the interest of this Biennale, constituting the Nucleo Contemporaneo. […] The International Exhibition will also feature a Nucleo Storico gathering works from 20th century Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. […] A third room in the Nucleo Storico is dedicated to the worldwide Italian artistic diaspora in the 20th century: Italian artists who travelled and moved abroad developing their careers in Africa, Asia, Latin America, as well as in the rest of Europe and the United States, becoming embedded in local cultures—and who often played significant roles in the development of the narratives of modernism beyond Italy.’
‘La Biennale itself, as an international event with so many official participations by numerous different countries, has always been a platform for the exhibition of works of foreigners from all over the world. In this rich tradition, the 60th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, the Biennale Arte 2024, will be a celebration of the foreign, the distant, the outsider, the queer, as well as the indigenous.’
- Polskie ćwiczenia z tragiczności świata. Między Niemcami a Rosją – Piotr Bernatowicz, Dariusz Karłowicz, Ignacy Czwartos – I etap
- Polskie ćwiczenia z tragiczności świata. Między Niemcami a Rosją – Piotr Bernatowicz, Dariusz Karłowicz, Ignacy Czwartos – II etap
- Powtarzajcie za mną – Marta Czyż, OPEN GROUP (Yuriy Biley, Pavlo Kovach, Anton Varga) – I etap
- Powtarzajcie za mną – Marta Czyż, OPEN GROUP (Yuriy Biley, Pavlo Kovach, Anton Varga) – II etap
- OWN – Alicja Głuszek, Aleksandra Kot, Wiesław Bartkowski, Klementyna Jankiewicz – I etap
- OWN – Alicja Głuszek, Aleksandra Kot, Wiesław Bartkowski, Klementyna Jankiewicz – II etap
- Bronisław Krzysztof, Krzysztof Krzysztof
- Po drugiej stronie – Kathryn Zazenski, Maryna Tomaszewska
- Surplus/Nadmiar – Małgorzata Jankowska, Viola Kuś
- Strukturalizm iteracji: w kierunku kształtowania nowej przestrzeni – Artur Zaguła, Tomasz Frasoński, Anna Jaruga-Rozdolska
- The Art of Loving/ O sztuce miłości – Myroslava Hartmond, Antonina Konopelska, Miłosz Bembinow
- Intersensorial – Inés Ruiz Artola, Marta Dawidiuk, Przemysław Pacek
- Sanctuary – Grażyna Siedlecka, Paulina Domagalska, Szymon Motyl
- Kwiat paproci – Paulina Ortenburger, Adam Rokowski, Łucja Zenter
- Sztuka kreowania przestrzeni – Robert Czado
- Kontakt – Bartłomiej Nowowiejski, Viola Tycz
- Pasieka – Marta Wróblewska, Stanisław Brach
- Córka – Łukasz Mojsak, Łukasz Ronduda, Aneta Grzeszykowska
- Obecność – Agnieszka Bebłowska Bednarkiewicz, Katarzyna Haber, Jerzy Kalina
- Tryptyk – Przemysław Strożek, Marcin Dudek
- Po drugiej stronie – Marcel Skierski, Maciej Rauch
- X2 Plag – Jakub Szreder, Natalia Romik
- meta_morphoses – Monika Turczyńska, Józef Krzysztof Oraczewski, Alicja Maciejko
- Jeśli zbudujesz most, prędzej czy później ktoś nim przejdzie – Tomasz Wendland, Elvin Flamingo
- MACULA. Ogród możliwy – Robert Dobrowolski, Magdalena Grzybowska, Aleksandra Pulińska, Urszula Zajączkowska
- Antique games – Jan Wiktor Sienkiewicz, Michał Jackowski
- Relacja Człowiek – Natura Via falsa – Małgorzata Błońska-Clardi, Elżbieta Leszczyńska Szlachcic, Bartek Szlachcic